Boating is one of the most popular recreational activities in America. It has become a very lucrative business as well. The number of people who enjoy boating has increased over the years. There are many reasons for this increase. Boats have become more efficient and affordable to own. They are also easier to use and maintain. This has led to a larger number of people owning boats and taking them out on the water. This is good news for boat owners and the boat rental companies that rent boats.
Many boat rental companies offer boat rentals in areas such as Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, Washington D.C., and other parts of the country. These areas are great places to take your boat out on the water. However, there are some other areas that you might want to consider when deciding where to take your boat out on vacation. These are:
1. If you are renting a boat in a state or area that does not allow alcohol consumption on the water, then you will need to find another place to go. This includes all of Florida except for Miami Beach.
2. If you live in a state that does not allow smoking on the water, then you may want to think about another area to visit.
3. If you are renting a motorboat or personal watercraft, then you may want to consider an area that allows these types of boats. For example, in the State of Florida, you cannot rent a personal watercraft or motorboat unless you are 18 years old or older. You can only rent a canoe if you are at least 12 years old. In some states, you must be 21 years old to rent any type of motorized watercraft.
4. If you are planning a trip with children, you should check the rules and regulations of the area where you plan to rent a boat. Some areas require that you bring a child under a certain age. If you are traveling with children, it would be wise to check with the local authorities to see what age restrictions apply to boating in the area you plan to visit.

5. You should consider how far away from shore you plan to travel when renting a boat. This is important because it will affect the length of time it takes to get back to shore. If you plan to travel far from shore, you may want to rent a larger boat.
6. If you plan to stay overnight, then you should check the rules regarding boating while staying overnight. Some states prohibit this practice.
7. Some areas require that you have a life jacket with you while boating. Check with the local authorities to see if this is required.
8. If you are renting a pontoon boat, then you may want to check with the local authorities about the rules and regulations regarding pontoon boats.
9. If you are renting a fishing boat, then you may want consider a different location. Many fishing areas do not allow fishing in their waters.
10. If you are renting a sailboat, then you should check with the local authorities to find out whether they allow sailing in their waters.
11. If you are renting a jet ski, then you may want to look into the laws in the area you plan to rent the jet ski. Some states require that you have a special license before you can rent a jet ski.
12. You should check with the local authorities about what type of equipment you need to rent. You should know the type of equipment that is allowed.
13. You should check with the authorities about the size of the boat you are planning to rent. If you plan to rent a large boat, then you should check with them to make sure that you are allowed to rent one.
14. If you plan to rent an inflatable boat, then you should check the laws in the area you intend to visit. Some states do not allow inflatable boats.
15. You should check with the rental company to find out what type of insurance coverage they provide. Some companies do not provide insurance coverage.
16. You should check with the boat rental company to find out what kind of fuel you will need to buy. Some rental companies sell their own fuel, but some do not.
17. If you plan to take a trip on a river, then you should check with your local authorities to see if you need to obtain a permit.
18. You should check with the police department in the area you plan to go to find out if you need a permit to fish in that area.
19. If you are planning a day trip, then you should check with local authorities to find out what types of permits you need to get.
20. If you are planning to take a cruise, then you should check with authorities to find out if you need to get a permit.
21. If you are planning to travel to another country, then you should check with customs officials to find out what type of documentation you need to have.
22. If you are planning to go on a trip with a group, then you should check with immigration officials to find out if you need permission to enter the country.
23. If you plan to rent equipment, then you should check with rental companies to find out what types of equipment you can rent.
24. If you plan to go camping, then you should check with campground managers to find out if you need permits to camp.
25. If you plan to go on a trip with your family, then you should check with social services in the area you plan to travel to find out what types of activities you can participate in.
These are just a few ideas to help you decide where you want to go on your next boating adventure.