If you are going to be boating this summer, then it is important that you have some basic boating safety tips. Boating safety is very important and can help prevent accidents from happening. The following are just a few of the many things that you should know about boating safety.
Always wear your life jacket at all times when you are out on the water. If you do not have one, you can buy one for around $20. You should always wear one even if you are just on the dock or swimming in the lake.
Never drink and drive. Drinking and driving is extremely dangerous and can cause serious injury or death. It is illegal in most states to drive while under the influence of alcohol. If you are stopped by police officers, they will ask you to take a field sobriety test. If you refuse to take the test, you may be arrested and charged with DUI (driving under the influence).
Do not ever drive under the influence of alcohol. It is illegal and could lead to serious consequences.
Make sure that your boat is properly maintained and safe for operation. If your boat does not have proper maintenance, it can cause serious damage to other boats, docks, or other property. Make sure that your boat is in good condition and that you have all the proper equipment.
If you are in an accident, make sure that you get out of the boat and call for help. If someone gets hurt, you should try to get them to shore as soon as possible. Do not wait for someone else to come to their aid.

Always keep a first aid kit on board. This can be used for any injuries that occur.
It is also important that you have the proper licenses for the boat that you are operating. Always make sure that you are properly licensed before you go out on the water.
Always keep your boat in a safe place. You should never leave your boat unattended.
Be careful when using your anchor. You should only use your anchor when necessary and make sure that you are in deep water.
When you are out on the water, you should always wear a life vest. This can help prevent drowning.