The word sailing, like many words, has several meanings. It can refer to the act of sailing or the vessel that sails. In the latter case, it can also refer to the activity of sailing or the act of being on a ship. The verb sail has two different forms: sail and sailed. Both of these forms can be used as verbs and as nouns. The noun form is usually capitalized. Sailed is usually not capitalized.
Sail (n.) – A small boat that is propelled by wind or by a sail that is attached to a mast. Sails are also used to make boats go faster. They are made of canvas, which is stretched over a frame. Sails have three parts: the head, the foot, and the boom. The head is the top part of the sail. The foot is the bottom part of the sail. The boom is the vertical part of the sail. Sails are usually made in triangles.

Sailed (v.) – To move across water using a sailboat. Sailed may also refer to the activity of moving across water using a sailboat or the act of being on board a sailboat. Sailed is usually not used when referring to the act of sailing. Sailed is usually capitalized.
Sailing (v.) – To travel across water using a sailboat, such as a sailboat, or a sailing ship. Sailing may also refer to the activity or the act of traveling across water using a sailboat such as a sailboat or a sailing ship. Sailed is usually not considered an adjective. Sailed is usually not capitalsized.
Sailed (adj.) – Describes a person who sails a sailboat or a sailing vessel. Sailed may also describe the act of sailing a sailboat or a sailing boat. Sailed is usually not an adjective. Sailed is not capitalized.