A sailing boat is a type of vessel that has sails, which are used to propel the boat. The sails can be made from cloth or other material. Sails are the most important part of a sailing vessel because they determine how much energy the vessel will use to move through the water. A sailboat will have a keel, which is a metal or wooden structure at the bottom of the boat that helps keep the boat stable and upright in the water. There are two basic types of sailing vessels:

1. Open Sail Boats
2. Closed Sail Boats
Open Sail Boats
An open sail boat is one that has sails that extend beyond the sides of the boat. An open sail boat will be more stable in the water than a closed sail boat. Open sail boats are usually used for leisure activities such as fishing and swimming. They are also used by some people who like to sail around the world.
Closed Sail Boats
A closed sail boat is one that has a hull shape that extends to the sides of the boat. A closed sail boat will be less stable in the water than an open sail boat. The closed sail boat is used mostly for racing. In addition, closed sail boats are often used for transportation because of their low profile.
Types of Sails
There are two basic types of sails:
1. Genoa
2. Flying jib
A genoa is a large square sail that is attached to the mast. It is used to help a sailing vessel travel in light wind conditions. It can also be used to increase speed.
Flying Jib
The flying jib is a triangular shaped sail that is attached to the top of the mast. It is used in high winds to provide extra power to the sailing vessel.
Other Sails
There are many other types of sails that are used on sailing vessels. These include: