Sailing is a sport that has been around for centuries. It has been used to explore new territories, to go on voyages of discovery and to bring home goods from far away places. The first sailing ships were constructed of wood and were used to explore the world’s oceans. Wooden ships were also used to transport goods from one place to another.

The first sailing ships were made out of wood and were built in Europe during the 1400s. The first sailing ship to be built was the “Hakluyt” which was built by English sea captain Sir Richard Hakluyt. The Hakluyt was the first sailing ship to circumnavigate the globe.

In the 1700s, ships began to be built with iron frames. These ships were able to withstand the rough seas much better than wooden ships. The first sailing ship to use an iron frame was the “Columbia”. This ship was built in 1789 and it was the first sailing ship to be built with an iron frame. The Columbia sailed around the world in under a year.

In 1815, the first steel ships were built. The first steel ship was the “Great Western” which was built by the British company “John Elder & Co.” This ship was the first steel ship to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. The Great Western was also the first ship to be built with a steel hull. The Great Western was also able to carry more cargo than any other ship at the time.

In 1817, the first steam powered ship was built. The first steam powered ship was the “Royal George” which was built by the Royal Navy. The Royal George was able to travel faster than any other ship at the same time. The Royal George was also able to carry more passengers than any other ship at the moment.

In 1820, the first iron sailing ship was built. The first iron sailing ship was the “Erebus” which was built by the Scottish shipbuilder William Symonds. The Erebus was able to carry more cargo than other ships at the time.

During the 1800s, many different types of ships were developed. The most common type of ship that was built during this time period was the sailing ship. Sailing ships were the most common type of ship used during this time because they could sail into all kinds of weather conditions. Many people still use sailing ships today.